The symbiotic relationship between humans and domestic canines is how dogs came to be regarded as man’s best friend. The correlations in physicality of such relationships are what we intended to discover. With our book project, we researched the similarities and differences between humanity and our best friends, then rendered our findings in a handmade book form. Our edition of ten books are handsewn, and consist of etchings and transfers with mixed media on colored, handmade Asian papers. We touch on variations in brain construction, and how diseases similarly affect canines and humans. Hip dysplasia, diabetes, distemper, and their known history are all conveyed in this book series. This research project has been shown in at the Hays Arts Council, the Emporia State Faculty Show, and has been reviewed by Laura Russell, of the 23 Sandy Gallery in Portland Oregon, and Alicia Bailey, of the Abecedarian Gallery in Denver Colorado.